Internet has found a surprising Iqra Aziz doppelganger, a Lebanese architect Nour. We also thought it was Iqra Aziz but then we got to know it was a Lebanese architect and art lover Nour. The resemblance of Iqra Aziz with her Internet twin Nour is uncanny.
Nour aka Iqra Aziz Doppelanger’s video message for Pakistani fans
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Surprising Iqra Aziz Doppelganger Nour from Lebanon
An internet user on twitter found the doppelganger of Iqra Aziz and at first she thought it was Iqra Aziz roaming around with another guy. Haha! Another scandal? Another story? But then she found out that it is someone looking exactly like Iqra Aziz. Nour resembles Iqra Aziz in many ways, her smile, her body postures, her physique and even she has a fiance whom she loves a lot. One of our associates thinks she is cuter than Iqra Aziz herself and a better version of Iqra Aziz in terms of physique and height. Well maybe she is!
We previously found a doppelganger of Mehwish Hayat but this doppelganger of Iqra Aziz looks exactly like her.
Iqra Aziz and Nour Comparison

Iqra Aziz Doppelganger is getting famous on social media
It is quite surprising that Iqra Aziz Doppelganger Nour had no idea of her being so much similar to Iqra Aziz. Until now she was leading an average life as an architect and art lover but surely the Pakistani fans of Iqra Aziz are going to make her a celebrity soon. Nour’s social media following has started to increase already and it is just a matter of time that she will be viral on all social media platforms as Iqra Aziz internet twin.
People have already started tweeting about Iqra Aziz Doppelganger on twitter and other social media platforms.
A twitter user tagged iqra aziz asking if it’s her with someone else on the road. Haha! Maybe iqra is leading a double life, one in Pakistan and another in Lebanon. Kidding!
So as we predicted, Nour is going to be a social media celebrity soon and Pakistani fans are going to shower their love for Iqra on this Lebanese Architect Nour. We hope she only gets to see the positive side of Pakistan and Pakistani Fans. We hope Nour doesn’t face comments on her dressing just like Esra Bilgic from the cast of Ertugrul did.
Here are some more pictures of Iqra Aziz Doppelganger Nour
You can also follow Iqra Aziz Doppelganger Nour on twitter and join her fun ride along with her loving fiance Chihab.
Nour’s Reaction to Iqra Aziz
The moment Nour found the comment on twitter, she immediately searched for Iqra Aziz on Google to find out who exactly Iqra Aziz is. Whoah! She was suprised to see her stunning celebrity doppelganger. She replied,
“I googled her and wow she’s gorgeous, thank you so much for the comparison, you’re too sweet.”
The post went public in no time and she started gaining following on her social media platforms because of her resemblence with a Pakistani Celebrity. In another reply, Nour said:
“My fiancé was almost convinced that I’m leading a secret double life after he saw Iqra’s photos, he’s still in shock.”
The internet is going crazy over this similarity of these two young ladies. So far, Iqra Aziz is in silence about this news, let us wait for her reply and see what she has to say about it.
Nour’s Humble and kind fiance Chihab
Luckily we got in touch with Nour’s fiance chihab on his instagram profile. At first we thought that over night fame might have changed the behavior of this cool couple towards public but No. Chihab thanked us in a humble manner and expressed gratitude towards the new Pakistani fans.
We found doppelgangers of many celebrities in the past but for the very first time ever, someone has found a doppelganger of Iqra Aziz. Nour’s eye brows, smile and body type is same as Iqra Aziz and this makes it uncanny. The world is full of surprises! Cheers.
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